Welcome to the afternoon activities

Applying to afternoon activities takes place between December 2022 January 2023. Pupils in grades 1 and 2 and those in other grades who have a decision on special support, can apply to afternoon activities. Applying takes place electronically.

If it is not possible to apply electronically, a paper application form shall be used.

The decision on an after-school activity place will be communicated either electronically. Not all applicants will necessarily receive a place at after-school activities.

  • activities at 12–4 pm – 100 euros per month.
  • activities at 12–5 pm – 120 euros per month.

The client fee is the same every month. The fee will not be collected in June. The fee includes a insurance and snack.

We will contact you via email, when your child is accepted to our afternoon club. We’ll send you an information letter including the time and a place for our parents meeting. We hope that you will fill up the peruslomake-form and give it to us before the schoolyear starts. You need to give/send us the form before the schoolyear starts so we can be prepared for allergies or if your child has some special needs.

Transfer from school to Afternoon activities

  • Child has to come to afternoon club straight from school, this is important also for the insurance
  • If your child doesn’t come to afternoon club, please let us know before 12 via text or email. This is important so that the instructors can focus on the children present at afternoon club
  • Although children have their own cell phones, all the contact between parents and instructors should go through afternoon clubs phones. In some special situation a child might call you from his/hers own phone, but please make sure that the instructor is present at that situation
  • Please let us know if your children can leave from afternoon club by themselves. If we don´t have your permission, we assume that you will pick the child up from the afternoon club. Also let us know, if someone else e.g. grandparent, siblings are coming to pick you child up.
  • When the afternoon club ends, we hope that the child will personally say bye to the instructor, so we can keep up who has left and who should still be present

We hope that cellphones will be kept in backpacks during the afternoon club time. You can get a hold to your child via afternoon clubs phone. Cell phones are also expensive and the insurance don’t cover for broken phones. The same goes for own toys.

We hope that you will bring some spare clothes to your children. We will be outside a lot. Almost in any weather. So bring at least spare socks and gloves and some rainproof clothes.

Once a month, we will send you information about our afternoon club, what we have been doing and what we will be doing in next month. We will send this information via e-mail, so please make sure that your e-mail address is correct. We check our e-mail once a day, mostly before noon, so all the urgent messages should be sent via text message.

During the year we have different themes that mostly follow the seasonal celebrations: Valentine’s Day, Easter, May day or Mother’s Day. Once a month we also have a small party with special program and some treats.

In January we start by getting to know each other, our school premises and our daily routines. We also talk with the children about what is good behavior in afternoon club and create rules together. As weather is usually quite nice that time of the year, we spend most of our time outside. By following that routine we are creating a safe and familiar afternoon club, where children know what is going to happen each day. When the children know the routine they can be better prepared by e.g. taking sports clothes with them.

In February we start to use our weekly program, including our different themed clubs. Themed clubs will be organized according to children’s wishes. In the parents meeting we will ask you and your children, what kind of clubs they hope to have. We will also discuss about these wishes later on January with the children. Clubs will have about 12-15 children and 1 instructor. Their main purpose are to offer children fun and interesting activities during afternoon. We start every club by planning the content together (e.g. children attend cooking club and we plan together what to bake/cook) the instructor gathers up the plan according to those wishes, insofar as it is possible. Clubs will be held by our instructors based on their strengths and interests. E.g. if we don’t have anyone who knows how to play piano/sing, we won’t be able to have music club, that teaches how to play piano. But we can have a music club that gets to know different types of music by listening e.t.c.

Example Club activities

Monday: sport club

Tuesday: adventure club

Wednesday: toy club

Thursday: arts & crafts club

Friday: baking club

Example of our daily routine

  • 12AM-1.30PM playing outside, proper outdoor clothes are good to have, because we are outdoors in almost all weathers
  • 1.30PM-2.30PM homework and snack. We are eating our snacks at the playground. Be sure to let us know, if your child has any allergies and if there are changes during the school year. We don’t get the information from school. We spend around 30 minutes making homework. All reading homework will be done at home. If the child is ready before the time is up, she/he can go and play with friends. If the school day ends at 2PM all homework will be done at home.
  • 2.30PM-3.30PM Theme clubs (cooking, sports, crafts, book, Harry Potter) if the child doesn’t have a club that day, this time will be playtime either in- or outside
  • 3.30PM-5PM playtime either in or outside
  • 5PM the afternoon club closes and all children should be picked up by that time

Afternoon club fees are being charged by Huvikumpu ry, according to the afternoon club contract. If any problems emerge, please contact laskutus@huvikumpury.fi.

The fee can be left uncollected or it can be reduced, if it is justified considering the guardian’s maintenance support obligation, secure income requirements or care-related viewpoints. Applying for a reduction in price or for leaving it uncollected shall be done with a written application form. The application may be submitted after the child has been admitted to afternoon activities. The decision on a price reduction or on leaving it uncollected is made on the basis of the family size and the family’s gross income.

Please be aware that the afternoon contract can be changed or cancelled during year, if your need for afternoon club changes. Please notice, the change or cancellation of the contract will take place after one month.  For example, if cancellation has been made in January, it will be effective in March.